
Tag Archives: how to make a bean bag toss bag


Cornhole is a staple game of summer, at least here in the Midwest. As the weather gets warmer, it’s time to pull out the boards and bags and let the games begin! Over a season, cornhole bags see a lot of wear and tear. If your bags look past their prime or you’re building a new cornhole set, sewing new bags is an easy do-it-yourself project.

If you’re not familiar with the game, cornhole (sometimes known as corn toss, bags, or bean toss) is a lawn game where players throw small bags at a board with a hole in it. There are various versions of score keeping, but generally players earn points by sinking bags in the hole or landing bags on the board.

A set of cornhole bags have a total of 8 bags per set, 4 each of 2 different colors (we used red and royal blue). Bags are approximately 6” x 6” squares, so with only 1 yard of fabric you can make 20 bags.

To make a set of strong and sturdy cornhole bags, we used a cotton duck material. It is a soft, easy to sew material and is strong enough to stand up to the abuse of being tossed around. The bags are sewn with a double stitch around the inner sides, according to the American Cornhole Organization’s regulations. For the stuffing inside, we used feed corn, which is traditional, but you can also use beans or plastic pellets. To have your bags regulation compliant, each bag should contain approximately 1-3/4 cup of corn to weigh between 15-16 oz.

Visit for the full blog, video and materials list.


How to Make Cornhole Bags:

  1. Cut sixteen 7” x 7” squares, 8 from one fabric and 8 from another
  2. Sew a stitch 1/2 inch in from the raw edge of 3 sides
  3. Sew a second stitch next to the first, about 1/4 inch from the raw edge
  4. Turn the bag right side out
  5. Create a hem on the remaining open side and sew 3/4 of that end shut
  6. Using a funnel, insert about 1-3/4 cup feed corn into the opening of the bag
  7. Sew the opening shut

Game on! Browse our full selection of cotton duck and thread colors at

Do you and your family and friends play cornhole or other yard games? What’s your favorite summertime game? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!